Retro Roadmap™ at Doyle’s Diner Selbyville Delaware
Mod Betty discovers a hidden diner alongside Doyle’s Restaurant in Selbyville, DE – come see this beautifully preserved Silk City diner!
Historical marker dedicated in Selbyville
An historical marker ceremony was held March 21 at Doyle’s Restaurant in Selbyville by the Delaware Public Archives.
Del. Declares Selbyville Diner Historical Landmark
The Delaware Public Archives Historic Marker program called the original dining car the “oldest operating and best preserved Silk City dining car in the state.”
Woody’s Diner in Selbyville receives Delaware Historic Marker
The Delaware Public Archives Historic Marker Program has recognized Woody’s Diner in the building where Doyle’s Restaurant exists today in Selbyville. The marker reads, “First named Woody’s Diner after original owner Woody Sturgis, the factory-built Silk City diner car was brought to Selbyville from Paterson, New Jersey in 1950.
Diner Credited for Establishment of Eastern Shore Poultry Growers’ Exchange
A unique discovery is made in a Selbyville diner, when a documentary about chickens is being filmed.
“My mother ordered 50 chicks from the New England states. And instead of getting 50, she got 500,” said Jean Bunting, Ocean View resident. “She wondered what in the world she was going to do with 500 chicks.”
Doyle’s Restaurant in Selbyville Delaware is a Real Diamond State Diner
There are scant few factory built diners in Delaware, and even fewer that haven’t been completely “remuddled”, so I wasn’t expecting much would be left of the original diner incorporated into Doyles Restaurant on Route 113 in Selbyville DE. I am happy to report that the partially hidden Silk City diner is very much in tact for your dinering pleasure!